Spring Breakers: Insane, or Brilliant? [SPOILERS!!]

Tonight I got to play with Gypsy (improv group) at The Magnet for the Rundown, which was great fun, if not really amazing, and then after some shuffling of plans, ended up randomly seeing Spring Breakers, one of the new films James Franco is in. I’d listened to the Slate Culture Gabfest discussion of the film, and it kind of made me curious. And I’m actually super glad I saw it. And even more glad that I listened to their discussion of it before seeing it, because I feel like this is not a movie you should walk in blind to.

So first of all, I just want to describe the feel–flashy, lots of bright and obnoxious colors, fluorescent lights, and boobs and butts galore. So many bikinis. The opening scene is just girls shaking their butts and naked breasts with alcohol being sprayed all over them in the ocean and on the sand. And it was such a strange combination of titillating and yet really creepily not sexy at all. Like, it was too ostentatious to be really sexually appealing.

After stealing money from a local restaurant with a water gun and sledgehammer, the ladies go to St. Petersburg, FL to see a world different than what they’re used to. And meet Alien, Franco’s character, who is really into money and guns. And also shorts and cologne, much like this guy.

My favorite scene in the movie, and the moment I really started to believe this film is seriously satire was when three of the girls, dressed in one piece swim suits with generously cut out sides, ridiculous pink masks, sweat pants with “DTF” (Down To Fuck, for anyone not familiar with this phrase) printed on the butts, gently carrying AK-47s, stood around a gorgeous white baby grand piano at Alien’s house, by the pool, with an incredible ocean view. They ask him to play a sensitive song, and he proceeds to play (and sing) Britney Spears’ (an “angel on Earth, according to Alien) “Everytime.” This is perhaps the weirdest scene I’ve ever seen in a movie. The screenshot is used for one of the posters:

Spring Breakers, movie poster


Strange. Also a key that the movie is really not supposed to be taken seriously, in my opinion.

Subsequently, one of the girls gets shot in the arm by Alien’s enemy/childhood best friend. She goes home, and the other two girls seek revenge; Alien gets killed in the process, while the girls go on a shooting spree, leaving many of the gang the enemy is a part of, including him, dead. And then they go back to school.

There was lots of gratuitous violence/showing off of guns & cash, and MANY shots of boobs and butts, which were entirely unavoidable, sometimes boobs taking up the ENTIRE SCREEN. But my take is that that’s sort of the point. The film feels (and I don’t know how to explain this really, or why it is exactly) sexual, but in a dirty, creepy way, as I say. It feels like it’s forcing you to be turned on, if that makes sense? But like, not in a fun way. In a forceful, violent way. And through that violence, for lack of a better phrase, the film jolts you into recognizing how unfulfilling these things are, and how demoralizing the concept of spring break can be. Repetition is used throughout the film and creates sort of a strange alternate universe, particularly Alien saying, “Sprang braake 4eva.” It’s eery. The whole movie is. But I kind of loved it.

Jury Duty!

I’m super bored because I have jury duty today.  And who knows how long that will last.  I’m kind of liking it.  Listening to Justin Bieber’s new song, Boyfriend, writing some post(s???), reading some work stuff.  I just get to hang out!  That seems pretty awesome to me.  Also, this is fascinating.  I am continually impressed with how incredibly diverse Kings County (where Brooklyn is, and where I live, thus, where I am serving my jury duty) is.  It’s really quite amazing.  And we watched this silly little 15 minute video about jury duty, and I just realize what a unique institution our court system is.  Not to be too cheesy, but it’s kind of cool to be a part of that.  Even if that means waiting in a room all day.

Uhm, also, they have Wi-Fi!  So that’s pretty spectacular.  Just wish I’d brought my computer charger.  I’d be all about some laptoping then.

Aaanyway, if I have more sweet stuff to post about, I will do it in a bit.  For now, just listening to this silly song on repeat, and letting the joy of being a teenager seep into my pores.

Monday: Always a Pain

Today was particularly a stupid Monday.  The train was really crowded.  I didn’t get enough done at work.  Though I’m looking forward to a week full of productive-ness, and that’s awesome.  People were not interesting in New York today, only annoying.

So, for your listening and watching pleasure, and in attempt to make this blog a bit more interesting, here’s a song I wrote, begun back in May and finished in September.  Don’t mind my nervous ticks.  Hope you like it:

Happy Monday!