So, I cannot believe it has been over a month since I’ve updated. There’ve been a bunch of thing brewing, though some of them I didn’t feel I could share about freely.
I went to DC again for a job interview, which was exciting, but after the interview, I actually decided I didn’t really want the job. So not getting it didn’t come as that huge a shock, nor that great of a disappointment. I was more sad generally not to be moving to DC. Buuut, the weekend did give me some clarity about what I want and the direct direction of my life over the next couple years.
I talked a lot with both Ali, her boyfriend Alex and my sister about life and life directions. I clarified that one of the things I somewhat immediately want to do is graduate school. I also want to really live my life right now. Which obviously is easier said than done. But I have been doing my zumba class, which feels like something. And just pushing things to sort of take shape (more on that later). So graduate school emerged as a real goal. Which, looking back on some things I’d written around New Year’s, is nothing new. I just re-clarified.
So I met some new European friends (thanks, CouchSurfing!), went on some dates, and my brother came to visit. Good times, all. And then last week, everything just took off in a massive way.
I had my interview with the Peace Corps last week, and I wasn’t totally sure what to expect, but I felt like it went pretty well, and they said it’d be a few weeks before I heard. Monday, I responded to a friend’s Facebook post advertising a room in her Brooklyn apartment, and with a bit of drama, I’ve managed to essentially lock that down. So June 15th, I’m moving to hipsterville, NY, otherwise known as Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Minus the hipsters, I’m totally psyched. The are is really nice, the apartment is immaculate, with a gorgeous rooftop view of Manhattan. Which has basically been my dream since I was 6. Literally. I’ll post a picture at some point. But amazing. I think I’ll actually feel like I kind of live in New York (a bit ironic since I’ll be moving from Manhattan to Brooklyn…). But I’ll be 3 stops away from Trader Joe’s, 4 from Union Square. Like 3 blocks from a diner. Also a friend from high school will literally be living in the same building. Even better! The roommate situation remains to be seen, but I’m hopeful. So that’s the apartment news.
So last Thursday, I decided to take a “personal day” (this magical day between a vacation and sick day in that you can call in the day you want to take it, or plan in advance) so that I could fulfill another dream, to buy myself a guitar. My persuit of this dream began when I went to Rudy’s Guitar Stop in Times Square to acquire new strings for my hand-me-down nylon classical guitar and proceeded to try out some of their $1000 guitars. I asked the salesman which guitars were the least expensive and he pointed out the Seagulls, one of which I played. It was nice, and only $500. Which seemed a bit more possible. And sparked my desire for one. Either the best or worst move ever.
So when my brother was in town, we went and he humored my guitar-trying whim at J&R (an electronics store) and Sam Ash. Each of these places had Seagull guitars in the $300 range. At which point I could no longer put off purchasing one. So Thursday, I called out and trekked down to Guitar Center on 14th to check out their selection, feeling a bit crazy, but super-excited. I looked around a bit, tried a couple, selected my baby. Was offered guitar lessons (still deciding whether or not to jump off that bridge). And I have not been able to keep myself away from my gorgeous new baby for more than 24 hours. I love it. Maybe more than my iPhone? Which, for those of you who know me, will understand is quite a feat. Seriously. I love this guitar.
And as if that weren’t enough, Thursday morning before I left to purchase said loved item, I received an email (2 days, not 2 weeks–crazy!) indicating that they would like to nominate me for Peace Corps in Central/South America, leaving February 2011 in Health Extension. Uhhhh, can you say exactly what I wanted??!
This is totally subject to change. But still making it to this point turned it into something quite real. And I’m super-excited about that.
My plan now is open mics here in NYC, especially after I move to BK, and just generally trying to enjoy myself before I leave for Peace Corps. So that’s what’s up. You know. Just another week.