Indian Summer

It’s been a few days. Sorry about that. I’ve actually been working on a post, but didn’t have time to finish yet. But I thought I’d give a brief update. Nothing too interesting has happened to me lately, though I’ve begun taking Vitamin D and I’m actually sort of committed to exercising on a more regular basis (read: at all).

It’s basically been since high school that I’ve really exercised regularly. I had a stint with pilates freshman and sophomore year, but that faded when I transferred to UNC and I eventually became disillusioned by the “benefits” of exercise, probably in part because I wasn’t doing it often enough. But I have been feeling really low energy recently, which is just not working very well. I have shit to so in this world, you know??! So I am giving in to the exercise monster. I’m starting out slow, allowing 10-20 minutes of running to be sufficient. I do walk a lot, just in my daily life. But I need some aerobic exercise beyond that I think.

I did take a Zumba class last spring and got sort of into that, but when I moved it threw things off and I never got back on the horse, so to speak. I go back and forth between feeling kind of contempt for exercise and healthy living in general to thinking that I really need to take the whole eating well and exercising thing much more seriously. It’s just such an effort! And really, it has challenged the excuse-creating component of my brain. I think it’s grown simply because of this issue. “it’s so hard because I live with other people.” “it’s so hard because I don’t have time.” or lack of energy. Or it won’t do anything. Mostly it’s because I’m tired. That accounts for the majority of my excuses both preventing exercise and eating well. But I think at this point, since I’ve lived in NYC for over two years, I need to learn to just suck it up. And probably the exercise will actually help the fatigue.

It’s been beautiful today and yesterday outside. I am loving this Indian summer. Because let’s be real–70 degrees in New York at the end of October? Unheard of. Or just awesome.

Monday: Always a Pain

Today was particularly a stupid Monday.  The train was really crowded.  I didn’t get enough done at work.  Though I’m looking forward to a week full of productive-ness, and that’s awesome.  People were not interesting in New York today, only annoying.

So, for your listening and watching pleasure, and in attempt to make this blog a bit more interesting, here’s a song I wrote, begun back in May and finished in September.  Don’t mind my nervous ticks.  Hope you like it:

Happy Monday!

iPhone App

I’m extremely excited to discover that I’m able to edit posts on my iPhone, including pictures. This could quickly turn into a blog about the crazies of NYC…not that I’m not one of them and/or it hasn’t already. For example: I could’ve posted this when it actually happened:

Awesome, right?? A wolf-dog!

Night! More to come soon.


I am on the MetroNorth train into Manhattan Sunday night. When I got onto the train, there weren’t many seats, and this guy was taking up four seats–sitting in between two, across from two where his computer and cell phone were taking up space. I looked intensely at the seat where his cell phone was, indicating in proper New Yorker that I intended to take the seat over from his Blackberry. He moved his Blackberry, then started packing up his computer. He pulled out a bag of nuts (something with a shell, but I couldn’t tell what kind it was). He began eating the nuts and throwing the shells on the floor…! Now, I have seen lots of crazy things. And really, this is quite the least of them. So I must have given him a look, because he offered me some nuts. I declined. But he kept throwing the shells on the ground. Here is what they look like:

The shells left on the train.

This is something that continues to amaze me–people just throwing things around, not respecting the space they live in. Perhaps they feel like it isn’t really their space, like they will never personally have to sit in that seat again, so it doesn’t matter what they do to it. That it should be someone else’s job to clean up after them because they’ve paid for the ride. I don’t know. But it seems really disrespectful to me. But then he offered me, a complete stranger, some of what he was eating, which just makes it all so much stranger. I think it was a nice gesture. Just such a contradiction to his throwing the shells on the ground though. WTF?