Life Updating

I’ve been a bit shallow on the life updates, and for that I apologize. It boils down to this–I have no idea what I’m doing, though I have quite a few options cooking, I just don’t want to put them into a possibly-public arena. So you’ll just have to find out from me directly :).

Here’s what I will tell you: I’m moving to Brooklyn a week from tomorrow (yaaay!!) and if you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty excited. The packing prospect is scaring the crap out of me though. I’m hoping I’ll survive. Probably I will. The ridiculous part is that I don’t even have much to move. But it just feels like a lot. And such a hassle. Blech. I’m hoping my excitement about moving to Williamsburg will carry me through. I’ll also add that work has been a tad more fulfilling–I really felt like I helped a patient today, which was kind of awesome.

I do promise that once there are firm plans, I’ll have major updates since I’ll know exactly what I’ll be doing (probably) in the next year or so. For now, limbo. Oh, what fun!

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