A Much-Needed Life Update

Blog-reading folks, I have not written in forever, and I give you my sincerest of apologies.

I have been way preoccupied with my job and fantastic romantic friend, Alan.

Labor Day weekend, we drove down to NC to visit my family, which was lovely but definitely stressful, and the weekend prior, my mother was up here visiting, which was really just wonderful, but busy-ish. I’m finally settling down for fall, hoping to have a lot more time to just relax and hang out than I have this summer–it has just been nuts! Though it’s beginning to look like the next couple months, too, will be crazy.

I am totally loving my job, more and more each week. I definitely have a lot of work to do, but I am feeling even more like I just need to deal with it step by step, and the more I understand, the more possible it all seems that I can truly make a difference and actually enjoy this. I more or less like the people I work with. And despite some of the craziness of the Center*, it is a place that I have some respect for, in terms of mission and intention. There are some fantastically hard-working people there, and things could certainly be a lot worse. Every day, I feel so incredibly fortunate to have found a job that I like as much as I do this one, and one that I feel fulfilled by, that can tap into all of my skills and abilities. I know that not everyone, and especially not everyone my age, is so lucky.

I’m finally also getting my room straightened out–I bought a lamp (immediately before the overhead bulb went out–what amazing timing!!), and a new Ikea bed base that makes my bed actually feel like a bed instead of a hard slab. I didn’t realize what a different that would make either–I woke up this morning without the body pain I’ve become accustomed to (I didn’t even recognize it as a problem).

So I’m excited. And as the heat is dying down, my room is more and more comfortable. Soon, I will be complaining about the cold. Oh, joy!

I know this is short, but I’ve got some Dexter to watch before sleepy-time. Here’s to another wonderfully stressful (perfect amount of stress) week!

*Names have been changed

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